Another very profitable week with some excellent results from the bookings index bets (we sold the indexes in three matches and only one yellow card was shown). It was unfortunate that Liverpool scored so early (again) and we could have done with Wimbledon at least scoring a goal against Coventry. The potential profit for the week came to �1,058 which means that the total potential profit for this season is now �15,751 (an average of over �875 profit per week).

A sell of the Chelsea supremacy against Leicester at 1.4 with City Index (Soccer Spreads rating 0.59 - Makeup 0) for �160 per goal would have produced �224 profit.

A sell of the bookings index in the Coventry / Wimbledon game at 40 with William Hill Index (Soccer Spreads rating 31.2 - Makeup 0) for �9 per point would have produced �360 profit.

A sell of the bookings index in the Sheffield Wednesday / Bradford game at 42 with Sporting Index (Soccer Spreads rating 33.8 - Makeup 0) for �8 per point would have produced �336 profit.

A buy of the Sunderland mini performance against Arsenal at 19 with William Hill Index (Soccer Spreads rating 26.7 - Makeup 15) for �12 per point would have produced a loss of �48.

A buy of the Wimbledon mini performance against Coventry at 21 with William Hill Index (Soccer Spreads rating 27.0 - Makeup 0) for �9 per point would have produced a loss of �189.

A sell of the time of the first Everton goal against Tottenham at 49 minutes with IG Index (Soccer Spreads rating 34.8 - Makeup 22) for �17 per minute would have produced �459 profit.

A buy of the time of the first Middlesborough goal against Derby at 50 minutes with either William Hill or IG Index (Soccer Spreads rating 57.1 - Makeup 71) for �8 per minute would have produced �168 profit.

A buy of the time of the first Liverpool goal against Watford at 46 minutes with William Hill Index (Soccer Spreads rating 59.0 - Makeup 10) for �15 per minute would have produced a loss of �540.

A sell of the bookings index in the Newcastle / Southampton game at 42 with IG Index (Soccer Spreads rating 33.4 - Makeup 10) for �9 per point would have produced �288 profit.

To view the ratings on which these bets were based please click here

Please note that bets are only recommended if the difference between the Soccer Spreads rating and the spread being offered is at least twice the margin between between the top and bottom of the spread (e.g. in order to bet on a bookings index the difference between the Soccer Spreads rating and the spread being offered must be at least 8 points, in order to bet on a mini-performance index the difference between the Soccer Spreads rating and the spread being offered must be at least 6 points). The unit stake is determined by dividing the volatility of the spread into 210 (see the 'Medium' stakes in the sample unit stakes table) and then adjusting this base unit stake depending on how much the Soccer Spreads rating disagrees with the spread being offered (for a full explanation see the page 'How to use the Soccer Spreads Ratings').

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